Pay it Forward: a life-affirming, compelling and deeply moving novel from bestselling author Catherine Ryan Hyde

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This thought-provoking, compulsive novel shows how a simple story has the power to move you in the most extraordinary ways. From Richard & Judy bestselling Catherine Ryan Hyde, perfect for fans of Mark Haddon, Mitch Albom and Alice Sebold.’Hyde’s book delivers a profound vision: The simple magic of the human heart’ – SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE’The philosophy behind this book is so intriguing, and the optimism so contagious… a book that lingers long after the last page’- DENVER POST’The story is quick read, told with lean sentences and an edge… Hyde pulls off a poignant, gutsy ending without bathos’ – LOS ANGELES TIMES*********************************************************************************THE EXTRADORINARY STORY OF A PERFECT IDEA…It all started with the social studies teacher’s extra-credit project: Think of an idea for world change, and put it into action.Whilst this proved a little ambitious for most of his classmates, twelve-year-old Trevor thought he would start by doing something good for three people. But instead of paying him back, he would ask them to “pay it forward” by doing a favour for three more people.If it all went to plan, Trevor thought, it would be the start of a long chain of human kindness . . .Sound unlikely to you? Well a lot of other people had their doubts too – Trevor’s teacher, his classmates, his mother, in fact everyone in his small California town.It could never really work. . . could it?Now a feature film starring Helen Hunt and Kevin Spacey.

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Weight 0.253 kg
Dimensions 2.2 × 13 × 19.7 cm







Year Published



Publication City/Country

London, United Kingdom



About The Author

Catherine Ryan Hyde, an acclaimed novelist and award-winning short story writer, is the author of several novels including, most recently, Love in the Present Tense. Pay it Forward was named an ALA Book of the Year and made into a feature film starring Kevin Spacey and Helen Hunt. Catherine lives in Cambia, California.

Heartwarming, funny, and bittersweet… A quiet, steady masterpiece with an incandescent ending

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The philosophy behind this book is so intriguing, and the optimism so contagious… a book that lingers long after the last page


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