
Ever since John Hancock broke into song after signing the Declaration of Independence, American politics and musicals have been inextricably linked. From Alexander Hamilton’s jazz hands, to Chester A. Arthur’s oboe operas, to Newt Gingrich’s off-Broadway sexscapade, You, Me, and My Moon Colony Mistress Makes Three, government and musical theater have joined forces to document our nation’s long history of freedom, partisanship, and dancers on roller skates pretending to be choo choo trains.  To celebrate this grand union of entrenched bureaucracy and song, the patriots at McSweeney’s Internet Tendency (“The Iowa Caucus of humor websites”) offer this riotous collection (peacefully assembled!) of monologues, charts, scripts, lists, diatribes, AND musicals written by the noted fake-musical lyricist, Ben Greenman. On the agenda are . . .  Fragments from PALIN! THE MUSICAL Barack Obama’s Undersold 2012 Campaign Slogans Atlas Shrugged Updated for the Financial Crisis Your Attempts to Legislate Hunting Man for Sport Reek of Class Warfare A 1980s Teen Sex Comedy Becomes Politically Uncomfortable Donald Rumsfeld Memoir Chapter Title Or German Heavy Metal Song? Noises Political Pundits Would Make If They Were Wild Animals and Not Political Pundits Ron Paul Gives a Guided Tour of His Navajo Art Collection Classic Nursery Rhymes, Updated and Revamped for the Recession, As Told to Me By My Father And much more!

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About The Author

McSweeney’s is a publishing company based in San Francisco. As well as running the daily humor website McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, McSweeney’s publishes McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern, the Believer, Lucky Peach, Wholphin, Grantland Quarterly, and an ever-growing selection of books under various imprints.

“Only McSweeney’s could combine politics and theater in such a strange, amusing way.” —Los Angeles Times “Pokes fun at all manner of political persuasion, often in a tone reminiscent of Mad magazine—that is, mangled lyrics—but minus a tune to follow. . . . Jolly good fun.” —Leonard Kniffel, Booklist

Table Of Content

FOREWORD Wyatt CenacMy America: A New Action Movie Screenplay by Sarah Palin Wendy MolyneuxPresidential Stats Simon RichFrom the Diary of John Adams Peter KrinkeAn Anti-Washington Candidate’s Stump Speech Pete ReynoldsMy 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Plan Ellie KemperWhere Is the Rest of This Graph? Ben GreenmanThe Only Thing That Can Stop This Asteroid Is Your Liberal Arts DegreeMike LacherDebate for Emperor of the Upsilon Sigma Star System Teddy WayneVote Yes on SPLOST 5 Lucas KlaussBarack Obama’s Undersold 2012 Campaign Slogans Nathaniel LozierA Comprehensive List of Third- Place Finishers for U.S. President, 2008–2036 David WarnkeThe Lesser-Known Slogans of Political Moderates Kate Johansen and Katie BukowskiThree Timelines of the American Financial Meltdown Told Through R. L. Stine Book Titles Matthew GillespieFragments from BAILOUT! THE MUSICAL Ben GreenmanPolitical Decision-Making in the New Century Sean CarmanFormer CIA Director George Tenet’s Other Excuses Christopher MonksA Message from a TSA Full-Body Scanner Jesse AdelmanA Guest Columnist Still Getting the Hang of It Ellie KemperExtended Trailer for American Demographic 2012 Pete ReynoldsYour Attempts to Legislate Against Hunting Man for Sport Reek of Class Warfare Mike LacherLittle Housing Crisis on the Prairie Susan SchornAtlas Shrugged Updated for the Financial Crisis Jeremiah TuckerNoises That Select Political Pundits Would Make If They Were Wild Animals Instead of Political Pundits John WarnerDonald Rumsfeld: Love Doctor Stephen ElliottParallels Between My Living Through Two Years of Middle School and the Two Terms of George W. Bush’s Presidency Teddy WayneRepublican S&M Safe Words Nathan PenskyFragments from WEINER! THE MUSICAL Ben GreenmanSomeday My Concession Speech Will Be Read by Schoolchildren Jim StallardStarting Over with Pat Nixon Tom GliattoHow You Voted Jonathan Stern30 and Pregnant Rachel FriedmanI’m Afraid the Children Are Our Future John MoeHow Superior Each Bar Feels to the Others Ben GreenmanClassic Nursery Rhymes, Updated and Revamped for the Recession, as Told to Me by My Father Jen StatskyThe Adventures of Right- Wing Conservative Robin Hood Sarah RosenshineTwo Medieval Physicians Debate Universal Health Care Blair BeckerThe Twenty-First Century Adventures of Tintin Neil GrafYouth Culture Findings Dan KennedyApril Fools’ Day Pranks to Play on an Unemployed Twentysomething Male Who Still Lives at Home with His Parents Christopher MonksYour Protest Signs Are Too Specific Alan TrotterLess Powerful Industry Lobbying Groups Todd RovakFragments from PALIN! THE MUSICAL Ben GreenmanMarxist- Socialist Jokes Jesse EisenbergWhat If Germany Won the War? Mike SacksMetroid ’s Samus Aran Speaks Out About Gay Marriage Marco KayeAbstinence-Only Driver’s Ed Suzanne KleidA 1980s Teen Sex Comedy Becomes Politically Uncomfortable Andrew GoldenFor a Yellow Brick Wall Mike GallagherThe Stability of Data Ben GreenmanHow Bernanke Tackled the Depression, As Recorded 150 Years from Now by Post-Apocalyptic Hobo Folklorists Grant MunroeRon Paul Gives a Guided Tour of His Navajo Art Collection Jeremiah TuckerTribal Matters Jim StallardEarly Drafts of Patrick Henry’s Revolutionary Proclamation “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!” Sam WeinerUnpublished Federalist Papers Maggie Ryan SandfordCrate & Barrel Tableware Style+U.S. President=Fictional Delta Blues Singer Josh MichtomPatriotic Laundry Metaphors Doogie HornerQuiz: Rumsfeld Memoir Chapter Title or German Heavy Metal Song? David ReesThe Next Wave: Candidate Product Placement Pete ReynoldsOccupy Main Street! Teddy WayneOperation Middle Class: A Fearful Rich Man’s Rules for Survival in an Increasingly Populist World Luke Kelly-ClyneI Will Henry AlfordWord Problems for Future Hedge Fund Managers Bob WoodiwissMom’s and Dad’s Campaign Statements Gregory BeyerI Probably Shouldn’t Have Opted for the Cheapest HMO Jim StallardPresidents Who Could Also Be Strippers Noel WoodState Rules Colin PerkinsGreat Quotes from the End of NASA’s Space Shuttle Era Jim SantelThings JFK Might Ask You to Ask Not Today Kate HahnThe Songs of Lenin and McCarthy Jimmy ChenFragments from WIKILEAKS! THE MUSICAL Ben GreenmanThe Elements of Press Release Style Gary KlienWhich Flavor of Ice Cream Do You Want, Daddy? Miles KahnAesop’s Fables Teach Children the Art of Voter Suppression Andrew GoldenThis Recession Has Spared No One, Not Even the Mythical and Folkloric Figures of Our Collective Western Imagination Henry Alford and Ryan HaneyPOLL: Do I Fully Understand the Concept of Margin of Error? Ben GreenmanA Letter from the U.S. Department of Education Regarding the Birth of Your First Child Mark BrownlowImportant Details About Your New Health Care Plan Dan KennedyRobert Gibbs’s Dungeons & Dragons Game Goes Off the Rails Travis WattThe Labors of Unemployed Hercules Luke BurnsTemplates to the Editor Bob WoodiwissSlightly Less-Cited Supreme Court Decisions Rob KutnerArchaic U.S. Senate Procedures Lucas KlaussCongressional Missed Connections Sloan SchangChapter Titles for Rachel Carson’s 1962 Book Silent Spring That Were Rejected for Being Too Alarmist Caredwen FoleyFragments from HOT PLANET! THE MUSICAL Ben GreenmanRecycle, Compost, or Trash? A Guide Jenny ShankPickman’s Chicken Farm Is Now Cruelty-Free Zack PoitrasCreate Your Own Thomas Friedman Op-Ed Column Michael WardThe Gahhh! Institute Lucas KlaussEyewitness News with Tom Denardo and Cheryl Clayburn Seth ReissHow Much I Had to Manipulate the Data to Make It Seem Like Things Were Looking Up Ben GreenmanLittle-Known Facts from the Guinness Book of World Records Simon RichOngoing Roadblocks in the Mongoose-Cobra Peace Talks Bob WoodiwissThe Girls of The Hills Visit Afghanistan Wendy MolyneuxDavid Brooks Also Eats Cereal John WarnerA Straw Poll of Issues on Voters’ Minds for This Upcoming Election, Based Only on the Conversation Initiations of the Morose Security Guard Who Sits in the Lobby of the Building Where I Work Ryan HaneyPhoto Ops to Gain More Than 50% of the Electorate David HartDance Dance Revolution Matthew BonnanActual Subject Lines of E-mails I’ve Received from Barack Obama’s Campaign That Sound Like He’s Asking Me Out and Then Breaking Up with Me Sarah WalkeFragments from SANTORUM! THE MUSICAL Ben GreenmanSpreading the Good Word: A Missionary’s Guide Wendy MolyneuxThe 700 Club Does the Weather Alex KaneThe First American Bidding War Susan SchornThe Front Porch Campaign, 1880 Chris WhitePerhaps Now You Wish You Had Paid Closer Attention to Your Judicial Candidates for County Circuit Court! Mike LacherOrdinary Circle or Pie Chart? Ben GreenmanThis Is a Reelection Campaign Stop, Not a Labor Day Weekend Beach Vacation Ryan HaneyLaura Wingfi eld from The Glass Menagerie on the 2012 Republican Presidential Candidates Kate HahnNo Country for Anyone John WarnerThe Latest Deals from LivingCapitalist Pete ReynoldsVoter Segments to Watch This Year Sloan SchangAccusations Leveled At a Dolphin Running for President Eric FeezellGod Texts the Ten Commandments Jamie QuatroNew Fears for the Twenty-First Century Hannah TepperFragments from STRONG GOVERNMENT! THE MUSICAL Ben Greenman

Excerpt From Book

FOREWORDWyatt CenacIf you are reading this, it means that someone just gave you this book as a gift. Congratulations. Whatever you did was more than likely “gift-worthy.” You probably had a birthday or a half birthday. Maybe you graduated from an institution of higher learning or you escaped from prison. Or your significant other gave you this book to keep you quiet on a road trip to Oakland. In any case, you accomplished something impressive enough that someone felt this book would be the perfect thing that would speak to your sensibilities, amuse you, and keep you quiet on the 580 freeway. If you bought this book for yourself, then sincerest apologies that nobody likes you enough to buy it for you. But don’t give up hope.   Not the hope that you will be more likeable. That is out of this book’s hands because there may be real reasons why nobody should like you. Reasons that can’t be found in the pages of this book. Still read this book, but afterwards find yourself a nice self-help book, like McSweeney’s Book of Self-Improvement, Actualization, and Musicals, which will be in bookstores next never. But putting that aside, the point is don’t give up hope in its most general sense. It is a truly American ideal. Apple pie is almost as American as hope. Or so it hopes.   It was hope that brought the first colonists to this country in search of a better land that would allow them social and religious freedoms that they could then deny others. It was hope that put smallpox in blankets, thereby making this land a bit cheaper to purchase from its original owners. Hope put tea in a harbor, angering and confusing the British as well as today’s senior citizens. Hope gave sciatica to a black lady on a bus in Montgomery, inspiring a civil rights movement while encouraging the health benefits of walking at least thirty minutes a day. Hope keeps same-sex partners together, looking toward the day when they, too, can legally get divorced.   Hope is the binding agent for political discourse in the United States. As a voter, one hopes their needs are being listened to and addressed. As a politician, one hopes their message gets out while their indiscretions with flight attendants stay hidden, along with that secret love child they had with a wolf. As a political humorist, one hopes that no matter how troubling times may seem from moment to moment, people will always be able to find laughter in the situation. And as a manager of a coffee shop in Brooklyn, one hopes that times will never be so troubled that the political humorist you once foolishly employed as a barista will return looking for their old job again.   Obviously, there is more to the American democratic system than just those four individuals. You also have the media, the lobbyists, the protest groups, the unions, the action committees, the think tanks, the activists, the foreign business partners, the intergalactic business partners, the special-interest groups, the skeptics, the financial donors, the blood donors, the senior citizens, the public sector, the private sector, the Nigerian princes, the bureaucrats, the steering committees, Main Street, Wall Street, and ghosts. All with their own needs and the hope that their voices will drown out yours. And for the right price, it can.   For as wonderful as America is, it is a country where we still make people vote in November to accommodate farmers from a hundred and fifty years ago who probably still won’t make it to the polls in time because they are either dead or vampires. Vampire Farm: coming to the CW next fall.   It runs on a political system whose parties are represented by animals that tend to stink up barns and circuses and usually spend most of their time swatting away the filthy gnats that are attracted to them. The same is true of politicians. The floors of the Capitol Building get hosed down every night to keep the senators from getting hoof and mouth.   It’s a place where the state of Texas is at the bottom of high- school graduation rates, but gets to dictate what goes into the country’s textbooks because the other forty-nine states need its delicious chili recipes. If you are reading this and you graduated from a school in Texas—good job. Next time, try it without sounding the words out loud.   It’s a country where people are scared to sit next to a Muslim on an airplane, but have no problem if that Muslim drives them home from the airport . . . so long as he avoids the Midtown Tunnel. If you’re reading this while in a cab, don’t look up! They’re probably watching you.   It’s a country where a football team with a mascot of a Native American man could play a team whose mascot is a colonial soldier in the Super Bowl, and even if they won, afterward they’d still be called the Redskins.   But for all of the problems in this country, it’s still a country that people love for its hope. It is the hope that we can strive to be better as individuals and as a whole, and, if not, then we can at least afford to import better individuals who will in turn inspire us to be better or marry us for green cards.   One of the things that makes this country great is the ability to learn from our mistakes, laugh at them, publish them on the Inter- net, and then collect them in book form to be sold to rubes. Not you. The person who bought it for you.   This book is filled with some of McSweeney’s Internet Tendency’s finest humor from both regular contributors and guest contributors who decided to slum it in the land of the written word. And it is my hope that you find this book funny. I haven’t read it. I’m waiting for someone to gift it to me. I hope I’ll enjoy it.